A different way to travel

The sailing ship Perseverance opens its doors to you for intimate cruises in exceptional places !

Perseverance is an eco-designed vessel, equipped for low-carbon shipping (velic propulsion) and urea exhaust treatment.

He features elegant, comfortable cabins, ideal for intimate voyages (12 passengers maximum) in support of the Polar POD expedition.

These ethical voyages, committed to the preservation of ecosystems, will allow you to be a part of the Polar POD adventure!

Explore cruises

A sustainable, ethical and ecological cruise with the Perseverance boat is :

protection of the environment

  • Use of sails to reduce the impact on the environment, without pollution or noise.
  • Preservation of water resources with the recycling of waste water and the desalination of sea water on board to preserve fresh water.
  • Recycling and sorting with zero waste at sea, careful selection of suppliers and study of packaging reduction beforehand.
  • Hunting for food waste with the use of seasonal products and local supply.
  • Visits with a view to equity, preservation of the places of discovery in the respect of the culture and societies that live there.
  • Follow-up of the Aeco, Laato, Taaf guidelines... and supervision with naturalist guides.

focus on the human factor

  • Choice to be under French flag with a French crew protected by the legislation of our country
  • Well-being and safety at work, respect for human rights
  • Tolerance and equality between men and women for the teams in terms of both numbers and salary
  • Fight against harassment
  • Respect for local communities

Discovering a scientific program in a polar environment

  • When you come aboard Persévérance, you'll be contributing to a scientific expedition committed to protecting the environment, and you'll experience an adventure on a human scale.
  • Thanks to daily exchanges with the guides and scientists on board, you'll gain a better understanding of the regions explored and the need to protect our planet's most fragile ecosystems.
  • The experiences and discoveries of Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne and his experienced collaborators will be passed on to you.tion